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Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer
Jules Owen
Address: c/o Ashchurch Village Hall, Ashchurch Road, Ashchurch, Gloucestershire, GL20 8LA
E-mail: clerk@ashchurchruralpc.org.uk
Mobile: 07305 022766
All enquiries to Councillors, except for urgent business requiring the Chairman's attention, via the Clerk as above please.
Cllr Tony Davies (Chairman) Planning Committee Fiddington & Walton Cardiff tonydavies@ashchurchruralpc.org.uk Mobile: 07764 932870 |
Cllr David Garnett (Vice Chairman) Planning Committee Natton davidgarnett@ashchurchruralpc.org.uk Mobile: 07980 833228 |
Cllr Richard Drewitt Planning Committee Pamington richarddrewitt@ashchurchruralpc.org.uk Mobile: 07813 603706 |
Cllr Gareth Grey Planning Committee Pamington Mobile: 07884 154868 garethgrey@ashchurchruralpc.org.uk |
Cllr Sue Mitchell Planning Committee Homedown Mobile: 07760 668956 suemitchell@ashchurchruralpc.org.uk |
Cllr Ian Parker Planning Committee Fiddington Mobile: 07795 268104 ianparker@ashchurchruralpc.org.uk |
Cllr Ben Wright Tel: benwright@ashchurchruralpc.org.uk |
Gloucestershire County Councillor for Ashchurch Rural
Cllr Vernon Smith
Cherry Trees Station Lane Tewkesbury GL20 5DB.
Email: vernon.smith@gloucestershire.gov.uk
Tewkesbury Borough Councillors for Ashchurch Rural
Cllr Mel Gore
33 The Lawns, Gotherington, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, GL52 9QT
Email: councillor.gore@tewkesbury.gov.uk
Cllr Chris Coleman
7 Pamington Lane, Pamington, Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire, GL20 8UU
Email: councillor.coleman@tewkesbury.gov.uk